108: True Colors
3 hours – Virtual True Colors is a model for understanding yourself and others based on your temperament and personality. The colors of orange, gold,
Center for Leadership and Learning
CLL’s Leader & Member Training Program offers training modules designed by MEA UniServ directors, organizers and Headquarters staff on a variety of topics covering advocacy, bargaining, communications, professional issues, retirement planning and more. Originating from an NEA grant to help bring training to locals across the state, the Center for Leadership & Learning seeks to bring together the expertise and interests of staff and members to help build consistency and continuity across our statewide organization. See below for current offerings for virtual and in-person trainings.
To request one of these trainings for your MEA Local, contact your MEA UniServ director or email this form to LMPTRequest@mea.org (we will work with your UniServ director regarding your request).
If you have any questions, feel free to contact LMTPRequest@mea.org.
3 hours – Virtual True Colors is a model for understanding yourself and others based on your temperament and personality. The colors of orange, gold,
1.5 hours All education decisions are political decisions because they are made by elected officials – from local school boards to Lansing to Washington, D.C.
1.5 hours A critical component of a strong local association is an effective communications strategy that addresses both internal (members) and external (public) awareness. This
30 minutes – Virtual This session provides local leaders with insight into what is involved in developing and implementing a Community Alliance Campaign for their
1.5 hours – Virtual Leaders use social media and email for communicating with their members and each other, believing that those communications are confidential. Nearly
1.25 hours – Virtual This is training is designed to assist association representatives and grievance chairs with the art of processing grievances, including contract language,
1.5 hours – Virtual Learn how renew your current teaching certification or progress to the next certification level. This training provides in-depth information regarding certification
1 hour This is an introduction to the MEA’s ESP Certification and Professional Development program. It provides an overview of ESP Professional Learning concepts and
2 hours – Virtual Attendees will learn how the Thoughtful Classroom evaluation tool is used to improve the teaching and learning experiences in their classrooms,
2 hours – Virtual Attendees will learn how the 5 Dimensions evaluation tool is used to improve the teaching and learning experiences in their classrooms,
2 hours – Virtual Attendees will learn how the Marzano evaluation tool is used to improve the teaching and learning experiences in their classrooms, as
2 hours – Virtual Attendees will learn how the Charlotte Danielson evaluation tool is used to improve the teaching and learning experiences in their classrooms,
1.5 hours – Virtual This session is designed to teach members how to fully utilize their MEA/NEA membership, while gaining great benefits and saving $$$ in the process.
40 minutes – Virtual This session is designed to give members an overview of the many benefits that are included in their MEA/NEA membership. Learn how easy it is to save money by using your MEA/NEA membership advantage.
30 minutes – Virtual This session provides insight into what is involved in SPARKS training—a fresh, new, invigorating and meaningful approach to engaging a new generation of MEA members. Locals who decide to embark upon further SPARKS training will afford newer members with greater awareness of what MEA can do
1.5 hours – Virtual This session focuses on building a strong local association by helping members understand the key concepts of “Why Union”. It provides tools and strategies for new member recruitment, existing member retention, member engagement, and basic unionism. This training highlights how and why your MEA membership provides
1.5 hours – Virtual Learn about how your dues dollars are spent by MEA and NEA, and how MEA/NEA dues are calculated. This session will give you a breakdown of the many services provided through your dues dollars, including the MEA Field Services Staffing Program, Public Affairs and Legal Services.
45 minutes – Virtual A multi-tiered system of supports is a framework that allows educators, para-educators, and other support staff to reach all learners. This
1.2 hours – Virtual While retirement is the last thing on a new hire’s mind, the legislature says you only have 75 days from your
1 hour – Virtual Members in the new Pension-Plus Retirement Plan (Hire dates from 07/01/2010 through 01/31/2018) can find out the details of their plan
2.5 hours – Virtual Members in the MIP and Basic Plan Retirement Plans (Hire dates prior to 07/01/2010) can find out about the details of
1.5 hours – Virtual Diversity is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social
1.5 hours – Virtual This session for Higher Education Faculty focuses on advancement within the tenure track, along with the avenues to do so, challenges
1.5 hours – Virtual Do you truly understand your health benefits and how they work? This training module is designed to assist local bargainers with
45 minutes – Virtual What if your employer is trying to negotiate a different health plan for your members? This training module is designed to
45 minutes – Virtual This MESSA training module has been developed to assist bargainers with negotiating changes to their existing health plans. Learn how you
1.5 hours – Virtual You don’t need to be an expert on insurance, but you do need to understand the brass tacks in order to
1-1.5 hours – Virtual Do you ever ask how big of a raise your district can afford while staying financially healthy? Are concessions really needed
1.75 hours – Virtual There are separate modules for K-12, ISD and Higher Ed. The modules are designed to familiarize participants with employer finances and
1.75 hours – Virtual These modules are designed to teach participants basic bargaining concepts, procedures and strategies. Bargaining I will cover bargaining and the law.
1.75 hours – Virtual These modules are designed to teach participants basic bargaining concepts, procedures and strategies. Bargaining I will cover bargaining and the law.