140: Creating the Best Possible Financial Proposal
1-1.5 hours - Virtual Do you ever ask how big of a raise your district can afford while staying financially healthy? Are concessions really needed for your district to remain…
Center for Leadership and Learning
1-1.5 hours - Virtual Do you ever ask how big of a raise your district can afford while staying financially healthy? Are concessions really needed for your district to remain…
1.75 hours - Virtual There are separate modules for K-12, ISD and Higher Ed. The modules are designed to familiarize participants with employer finances and employer financial projections over a…
1.75 hours - Virtual These modules are designed to teach participants basic bargaining concepts, procedures and strategies. Bargaining I will cover bargaining and the law. Module 2 builds on the…
1.75 hours - Virtual These modules are designed to teach participants basic bargaining concepts, procedures and strategies. Bargaining I will cover bargaining and the law. Module 2 builds on the…
1.5 hours - Virtual Do you truly understand your health benefits and how they work? This training module is designed to assist local bargainers with understanding their MESSA insurance coverage,…
45 minutes - Virtual What if your employer is trying to negotiate a different health plan for your members? This training module is designed to assist bargainers and staff in…
45 minutes - Virtual This MESSA training module has been developed to assist bargainers with negotiating changes to their existing health plans. Learn how you can access financial data that…
1.5 hours - Virtual You don’t need to be an expert on insurance, but you do need to understand the brass tacks in order to get the best contract possible…
45 minutes - Virtual A multi-tiered system of supports is a framework that allows educators, para-educators, and other support staff to reach all learners. This research- and evidence-based approach encompasses…
1.2 hours - Virtual While retirement is the last thing on a new hire’s mind, the legislature says you only have 75 days from your first payroll to choose your…