Center for Leadership and Learning


Assessing for Learning Connecting SEL and the Formative Assessment Process

Assessment is not the point at which we expect to support students in social-emotional learning and yet it can be. When we engage in assessment FOR learning, there are prime opportunities to meet students where they are by supporting their nervous systems and their academic journeys. Similarly, performance assessment allows us to continue this approach when we come to the assessment OF learning. Facilitator: Heather Vaughan-Southard, MAEIA

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Having Difficult Conversations

Now more than ever, it is difficult for educators to have concerned conversations with administrators, parents, and students, especially when you don’t have the authority of an administrative position. Learn some techniques you can use to be more empowered to manage the complex interactions educators navigate in our profession. Facilitator: Dr. Keith Levick

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Teach4 Endurance: The Bike Session

Like the stretch between Winter break and Spring break, the bike section of an Ironman event is the long and grueling.  If something goes wrong during the race or your school year, it will happen here.  So, it pays to look down the road a bit.  Get ready for this next phase by learning about how to assess and respond to those bumps in the road. Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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Teach4 Endurance: The Run Session

The run is the last leg of the race, and like the school year, as we approach the end of the year, we are exhausted.  However, this is also where you want to be able to finish strong.  Learn techniques to find those last reserves and kick to the finish! Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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Connection Before Curriculum

Explore research-based programs that educators can use themselves or with their students to set the tone in our schools. The idea will roughly follow Maslow’s idea that we need to all feel safe to be in the proper mindset to teach and learn. Facilitators: Kim Stout, MT/Chrissy Waldhor, OK

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Teach4 Endurance The Cool Down Session

It’s June and you made it to the finish line!  However, there’s always the next race.  But before lacing up your shoes for September, it’s important to not only rest, but also to reflect.  Learn how to use your summer to get rejuvenated and ready to not only run the race again, but to improve your performance. Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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Assessing for Learning Connecting SEL and the Formative Assessment Process

Assessment is not the point at which we expect to support students in social-emotional learning and yet it can be. When we engage in assessment FOR learning, there are prime opportunities to meet students where they are by supporting their nervous systems and their academic journeys. Similarly, performance assessment allows us to continue this approach when we come to the assessment OF learning. Facilitator: Heather Vaughan-Southard, MAEIA

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Connection Before Curriculum

Explore research-based programs that educators can use themselves or with their students to set the tone in our schools. The idea will roughly follow Maslow’s idea that we need to all feel safe to be in the proper mindset to teach and learn. Facilitators: Kim Stout, MT/Chrissy Waldhor, OK

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Culturally Responsive Literature in Action

Educators will engage in practical and immediate steps to assess the manner in which literature is providing equitable representation to all students. May be paired with “Curriculum Inclusivity in Action” or stand alone. Facilitators: Elizabeth Lulis, MI/Chrissy Waldhor, OK

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Racing Up! Talking About Race in the Classroom

Talking about racial justice in public education—constructively, honestly, and openly—is difficult. We as educators must continually challenge and dismantle, piece by piece, the structures, policies and implicit biases we all have that prop up white privilege at the expense of students and families of color. To do anything less is to deny the world in which our students live, to concede that some students deserve less. Facilitators: Eriece Colbert, IA/Keri Roberts, WA

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Visual Journals & Sketchbooks

Research supports the increase in retention rates when utilizing a visual journal or sketchbook for notetaking. Utilizing a visual journal or sketchbook does not require any specific art training…all you need is a journal and something to write with; there really isn’t a right or wrong way to use them. Explore how to incorporate visual journals within your own subject area, grade level, or in your own personal lives! Facilitator: Dr. Jane Montero, MI

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Processing the pandemic experience with K-8 students

Engage in music-making while exploring new resources that may help K-8 students process their experiences during the pandemic. Participants will experience cross-curricular experiences in children’s literature, poetry, and art, and will be invited to connect their experiences to their own teaching contexts. Facilitator: Shannan Hibbard, MI

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Integrating Design Thinking in the K 12 Classroom

Have you ever thought about how to integrate the five phases of design thinking into your curriculum? Join Jane Montero for an informational session on what the five phases are and how to put design thinking to use in your classroom. Facilitator: Dr. Jane Montero, MI

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Untraditional Geology Field Trips

Michigan has an epic and fascinating geologic history. Some of the most amazing events in Earth’s past have left their evidence in the rock record and particular landforms of our state.  Learn how you can bring the science of geology into the hands of students in their very own backyard. Facilitator: Amber Kumpf, MI  

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Utilizing Student Identity and Agency to Foster a Love of Mathematics

Some students avoid Math like the plague, but we can do better at helping students foster a love of Math.  Learn how to relate to children’s questions, interests, and lives, and build on family, community, and cultural funds of knowledge to fill the sky with new Math stars! Facilitators: Colleen Stamm, MI/Desiree Harrison, MI/Carrie Heaney, MI

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Teaching to Reduce Math Anxiety

For some students, Math is a subject to be avoided, however it doesn’t have to be that way.  Learn how students experience anxiety in math classrooms and identify how teacher beliefs and classroom practices impact student anxiety, as well as strategies to support anxiety reduction in your students. Facilitators: Colleen Stamm, MI/Desiree Harrison, MI/Carrie Heaney, MI

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Culturally Responsive Instruction with Music & Movement

What does the future hold for our nation’s youth? What do educators envision for students emerging from schools? We should see our students not only as readers, writers, authors, scientists, and mathematicians, but also as artists, athletes, and musicians! In this session, participants will explore developmentally appropriate practices across multiple curricular areas, all through a culturally responsive lens. Facilitators: Amy Sierzega, MI/Lori Greenfield, KS

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Schoology Optimizing your Course Organization for Student Success

Feeling whiplash as we move from remote to in-person, and back to remote?  So do your students!  One of the key skills an educator can acquire is how to optimize their class and workflow insuring student learning by creating consistent structure.  Learn how to do this using the Schoology LMS (Learning Management System). Facilitator: Kathleen Ader, MI

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Grammar for ELA Teachers: Teaching Irregular Verbs

Teaching grammar in an ELA class can be maddening! Ever feel like you don’t know the answer to why a sentence is incorrect; you just know that it is? This session is for you. We will break down the “rules,” including principal parts of verbs and the perfect tenses. Get strategies and resources you can use with students to correct their usage and unlearn bad habits. Facilitator: Kathy Jo Tully- Constantine Public Schools

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Schoology Series: Leveraging for Learning­ Grading with Rubrics

Schoology is a powerful platform, and with many more educators using it, the Schoology Series is here to help you leverage this tool to improve teaching and learning, as well as make your life as a teacher easier. Learn how to use rubrics in assignments and assessments, making grading and your workflow better. Facilitator: Kathleen Ader- Novi Community School District

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Grammar for ELA Teachers: Resources You Can Use Right Now

If you want to give your students the drill and practice they need in order to correct their language usage, and are not sure what all is out there, this class is for you. Get resources {free and paid, print and electronic} that you can put into usage in your classroom tomorrow to support your teaching practice. Facilitator: Kathy Jo Tully – Constantine Public Schools

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Schoology Series: Using Google Drive Assignments to create editable worksheets

Learning Management System (LMS) platforms like Schoology can be used with many other learning applications. Join us in one of our special “Schoology Series” sessions to learn how to leverage Google and Schoology to create a better learning experience for your students, as well as making your workflow more efficient with worksheets and PDFs. Facilitator: Kathleen Ader – Novi Community School District

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Facilitating Quality Practice

Quality practice will look, sound, and feel different in in-person, virtual, and hybrid learning environments. Participants will learn about best practices for pedagogy in any environment, including creating instructor presence, setting clear learning objectives, teaching for real world applications, setting clear expectations, engaging students, giving prompt feedback, and more. Facilitators: Kelly Newton and Sarah Van Loo -Ann Arbor Public Schools

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Core Teaching Practices

This is a repeating two-part series. Select 101 or 201 – start times are staggered for registration purposes. In an effort to support and maintain high quality educators, the Michigan Department of Education (MOE) has adopted the “Core Practices:’ MEA is proud to partner with the MOE and teaching universities to help bring these trainings to you to help improve teacher practice in the classroom as well as teacher preparation programs in our state in order to drive improved student outcomes. Facilitators: Dr. Anthony Francis (Oakland U) and Dr. Paula Lancaster (CMU)

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Why we use EdTech: Lens for quality implementation

After leveling up your EdTech capacity during the pandemic, let’s consider the key components of what quality blended lesson design looks like. We’ll share how we use guidelines like The Triple E Framework (Dr. Liz Kolb) to figure out how well our favorite tools are helping us engage our students and enhance and extend their learning. Facilitators: Chris Thomas (Ann Arbor EA) and Ellen Brooks (Monroe EA)

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Can You Hear Us Now? Using Podcasts to Educate and Entertain

Creating and producing your own podcast can be both effective and rewarding. Podcasts provide an easy and unique way to convey information, as well as engage your student audience with supplemental material that the time in a typical class period would not permit. Podcasts can be easy and fun to make, enjoyable for your audience, and can be accessed at any time! Learn more about the benefits to creating your own educational podcast, as well as the logistics behind developing your own podcast! Facilitators: Philip Horender and Philip Schoff (Canajoarie United, NYSUT)

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Rethinking Grading

Traditional grading practices often go unexamined despite their potential for harm. This webinar is designed to critically examine assumptions about grading, look at current grading practices, and imagine alternatives to the status quo. Facilitators: Kristal Jaaskelainen and Jeff Austin (Ann Arbor, MI)

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Digital Reading Strategies

Meet a pair of outstanding educator colleagues from Oklahoma and Montana to learn how to engage students with digital reading strategies. Differentiate and maximize your plan time with edTech like self-grading Readworks! Customize your lessons quickly with digital sorts and graphic organizers through Google Slides, Google Draw, and Padlet. Facilitators: Chrissy Waldhoer (Tahlequah, OK) and Kim Stout (Helena, MT)

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Planning for a Week of Distance Learning

Explore a few examples of what distance education might “look” like in K-12 classrooms from EdTech experts. We will also explore the transition thinking required that best supports student engagement and (hopefully) success. Facilitators: Chris Thomas & Ellen Brooks

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Math at a Distance: Best Practices

How can I use common Google and Edtech tools to support collaborative math practice and discussion at a distance? We will explore one learning cycle and deeply engage in the design thinking behind the how the EdTech selected supports student engagement, virtual discourse and opportunities for elaboration and student evaluation. Facilitators: Stephan Hogan & Kelsey Lafferty

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Formative Assessments

This session will discuss how popular EdTech tools can be leveraged to collect formative assessment and inform instruction in an asynchronous environment. Facilitators: Kristal Jaaskelainen and Ellen Brooks

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Differentiating & Team Teaching: Distance Learning Edition

Tools like Seesaw, Flipgrid, and Google Classroom are beloved by educators across the nation, and can be utilized to serve our students with direct, targeted assignments via enrollment in multiple classes or with the use of Co-Teachers. Entire grade levels may benefit from a shared space and special area teachers and support staff can be linked to their students more easily. Get some strategies for possibilities of maintaining multiple groups of students in classes and including co- teachers – or getting yourself included in pre-existing ones! Facilitators: Ellen Brooks & Ann Marie Borders

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Assessing for Learning Connecting SEL and the Formative Assessment Process

Assessment is not the point at which we expect to support students in social-emotional learning and yet it can be. When we engage in assessment FOR learning, there are prime opportunities to meet students where they are by supporting their nervous systems and their academic journeys. Similarly, performance assessment allows us to continue this approach when we come to the assessment OF learning. Facilitator: Heather Vaughan-Southard, MAEIA

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Visual Journals & Sketchbooks

Research supports the increase in retention rates when utilizing a visual journal or sketchbook for notetaking. Utilizing a visual journal or sketchbook does not require any specific art training…all you need is a journal and something to write with; there really isn’t a right or wrong way to use them. Explore how to incorporate visual journals within your own subject area, grade level, or in your own personal lives! Facilitator: Dr. Jane Montero, MI

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Processing the pandemic experience with K-8 students

Engage in music-making while exploring new resources that may help K-8 students process their experiences during the pandemic. Participants will experience cross-curricular experiences in children’s literature, poetry, and art, and will be invited to connect their experiences to their own teaching contexts. Facilitator: Shannan Hibbard, MI

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Integrating Design Thinking in the K 12 Classroom

Have you ever thought about how to integrate the five phases of design thinking into your curriculum? Join Jane Montero for an informational session on what the five phases are and how to put design thinking to use in your classroom. Facilitator: Dr. Jane Montero, MI

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Culturally Responsive Instruction with Music & Movement

What does the future hold for our nation’s youth? What do educators envision for students emerging from schools? We should see our students not only as readers, writers, authors, scientists, and mathematicians, but also as artists, athletes, and musicians! In this session, participants will explore developmentally appropriate practices across multiple curricular areas, all through a culturally responsive lens. Facilitators: Amy Sierzega, MI/Lori Greenfield, KS

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Building Slides For Accessiblity: Why and How

In this workshop, we will explore best practices for on-line digital-visual accessibility. The majority of our time will be spent learning about practical tools and strategies you can implement immediately and efficiently into your lessons. The tool we will focus on for this presentation is Google Slides, but the principles can be applied widely to any digital content. Facilitators: Sarah Suchanek and Veronica Choe (Ann Arbor, MI)

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Providing Accommodations and Scaffolds

How do you support students with IEPs, language learners, and older students with developing literacy skills in a distance learning environment? Learn strategies for providing accommodations, scaffolds, SIOP features, and elements of explicit instruction in an asynchronous setting that support all students. This webinar will begin with a survey and the webinar will be tailored based on participant’s needs. Facilitators: Evelyn Daughterty & Kimmie Conrad

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Assessing for Learning Connecting SEL and the Formative Assessment Process

Assessment is not the point at which we expect to support students in social-emotional learning and yet it can be. When we engage in assessment FOR learning, there are prime opportunities to meet students where they are by supporting their nervous systems and their academic journeys. Similarly, performance assessment allows us to continue this approach when we come to the assessment OF learning. Facilitator: Heather Vaughan-Southard, MAEIA

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Having Difficult Conversations

Now more than ever, it is difficult for educators to have concerned conversations with administrators, parents, and students, especially when you don’t have the authority of an administrative position. Learn some techniques you can use to be more empowered to manage the complex interactions educators navigate in our profession. Facilitator: Dr. Keith Levick

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Connection Before Curriculum

Explore research-based programs that educators can use themselves or with their students to set the tone in our schools. The idea will roughly follow Maslow’s idea that we need to all feel safe to be in the proper mindset to teach and learn. Facilitators: Kim Stout, MT/Chrissy Waldhor, OK

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Culturally Responsive Literature in Action

Educators will engage in practical and immediate steps to assess the manner in which literature is providing equitable representation to all students. May be paired with “Curriculum Inclusivity in Action” or stand alone. Facilitators: Elizabeth Lulis, MI/Chrissy Waldhor, OK

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Racing Up! Talking About Race in the Classroom

Talking about racial justice in public education—constructively, honestly, and openly—is difficult. We as educators must continually challenge and dismantle, piece by piece, the structures, policies and implicit biases we all have that prop up white privilege at the expense of students and families of color. To do anything less is to deny the world in which our students live, to concede that some students deserve less. Facilitators: Eriece Colbert, IA/Keri Roberts, WA

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Visual Journals & Sketchbooks

Research supports the increase in retention rates when utilizing a visual journal or sketchbook for notetaking. Utilizing a visual journal or sketchbook does not require any specific art training…all you need is a journal and something to write with; there really isn’t a right or wrong way to use them. Explore how to incorporate visual journals within your own subject area, grade level, or in your own personal lives! Facilitator: Dr. Jane Montero, MI

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Processing the pandemic experience with K-8 students

Engage in music-making while exploring new resources that may help K-8 students process their experiences during the pandemic. Participants will experience cross-curricular experiences in children’s literature, poetry, and art, and will be invited to connect their experiences to their own teaching contexts. Facilitator: Shannan Hibbard, MI

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Integrating Design Thinking in the K 12 Classroom

Have you ever thought about how to integrate the five phases of design thinking into your curriculum? Join Jane Montero for an informational session on what the five phases are and how to put design thinking to use in your classroom. Facilitator: Dr. Jane Montero, MI

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Teaching to Reduce Math Anxiety

For some students, Math is a subject to be avoided, however it doesn’t have to be that way.  Learn how students experience anxiety in math classrooms and identify how teacher beliefs and classroom practices impact student anxiety, as well as strategies to support anxiety reduction in your students. Facilitators: Colleen Stamm, MI/Desiree Harrison, MI/Carrie Heaney, MI

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Culturally Responsive Instruction with Music & Movement

What does the future hold for our nation’s youth? What do educators envision for students emerging from schools? We should see our students not only as readers, writers, authors, scientists, and mathematicians, but also as artists, athletes, and musicians! In this session, participants will explore developmentally appropriate practices across multiple curricular areas, all through a culturally responsive lens. Facilitators: Amy Sierzega, MI/Lori Greenfield, KS

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Embodiment: A classroom management technique for modern educators (Part 2)

The second installment of this very popular series on “Embodiment:’ With a mini recap of Part 1,a deeper dive into how regulation of the nervous system impacts student behaviors, how  to help your students become more aware of their nervous state, and a discussion on practical strategies for a well managed classroom practice. Facilitator: Heather Vaughan-Southard – MAEIA

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Teach4 Endurance: The Swim Session

We’ve prepared for the “race” {school year} with the Warm Up session. You have developed your purpose, focused on clarity of mind and committed to releasing what doesn’t add value to your life. The “race” {school year} is now on and in full force. During the Swim session, we’ll focus on letting go of control, asking for help when needed and allowing ourselves to complete an honest self-reflection … it’s time to get in the water! Facilitator: Brian Dalton – Rochester Community School District

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Returning To The Classroom: Managing the Anxiety and Change

The coronavirus has caused significant disruption. For teachers, it has caused substantial changes in their personal and professional life. This Webinar focuses on the challenges teachers face upon returning to school, as well as the safety of staff and students. Learn how you can better understand the change process and practice a strategy to best deal with stress and anxiety. Facilitator: Dr. Keith Levick- Goren and Associates

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Embodiment: A Classroom Management Technique for Modern Educators

Have you ever been told that you or another educator have a “presence” when they enter the classroom? Those with this “presence” seem to be able to manage a class of students with mystical ease…but what if you had a better understanding of this phenomena? It is called embodiment, and this practice focuses on how we inhabit our bodies, how we use our bodies and movement to send and receive signals, as well as how we move through the world (and our classroom) and interact with those within it. This is a fascinating session that explores the non-verbal aspects of classroom management technique. Facilitator: Heather Vaughan-Southard, MAEIA Professional Learning Director

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Teach4Endurance: The Warm Up Session

Teach4Endurance: The Warm Up Session is exactly what it sounds like. It is a warm up to get yourself ready for an upcoming challenge (i.e. academic school year). This session focuses on ‘purpose’ and ‘clarity’. Unfortunately, too many teachers are thrown into the water without the proper support or a proper game plan. For many this can spell disaster. Use this summer to start getting your plan together with this innovative and informative session – As noted by former NFL coach, Don Clemons, “Brian does a great job in developing a playbook for educators of all age and positions.” Facilitator: Brian Dalton (Rochester Education Association)

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Embracing and Regulating Emotions

Wondering how to help students that struggle with behavior and social and emotional skills? Based on research by Dr. Marc Bracket and Dr. Ross Greene, this session will focus on understanding emotional responses for both ourselves and students. Strategies on how to build social and emotional skills in the classroom and in partnership with parents will be given. Facilitator: Dr. Brandy Shooks (Kalamazoo Education Association)

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Creating A Space For It All: Academics, SEL and Self-Care

The everyday stresses of teaching have been dramatically increased by the pandemic. Utilizing mindfulness practices to enhance your effectiveness with students and their families can reduce some of the stress. Starting with the end in mind, the webinar will also focus on self-care and how to regulate your own emotions through these challenging times. Facilitators: Mary Spence (Ann Arbor, MI)

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Professional Practice & Growth Post-COVID Secondary Discussion Panel

Explore and discuss with peer educators the year that was COVID and how to transition back to in-person learning. Learn about ways to translate your experiences into ways to grow professionally and contribute to better educational practice. Panelist:    Chris Thomas, Elizabeth Lulis, Bill Van Loo, and Kristal Jaaskelainen (Ann Arbor, MI)

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Professional Practice & Growth Post-COVID Elementary Discussion Panel

Explore and discuss with peer educators the year that was COVID and how to transition back to in-person learning. Learn about ways to translate your experiences into ways to grow professionally and contribute to better educational practice. Panelist: Ellen Brooks, Ann Marie Borders, Leslie Bullow, and Kelsey Lafferty (Ann Arbor, MI)

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Trauma-Informed Pedagogy For Remote & F2F Learning

Students are facing a perfect storm of traumatic events including a nationwide pandemic, economic instability, racial unrest over police killings, months of anxiety and isolation caused by school and community shutdowns, family illness, bullying, anxiety, and more. Educators will learn about the social and emotional impacts of trauma on our students and their learning, identify the signs of trauma, and how to address the underlying needs of our students. Facilitators: Ann Marie Borders and Darrell Taylor (Ann Arbor, MI)

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Schoology Optimizing your Course Organization for Student Success

Feeling whiplash as we move from remote to in-person, and back to remote?  So do your students!  One of the key skills an educator can acquire is how to optimize their class and workflow insuring student learning by creating consistent structure.  Learn how to do this using the Schoology LMS (Learning Management System). Facilitator: Kathleen Ader, MI

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Embodiment: A classroom management technique for modern educators (Part 2)

The second installment of this very popular series on “Embodiment:’ With a mini recap of Part 1,a deeper dive into how regulation of the nervous system impacts student behaviors, how  to help your students become more aware of their nervous state, and a discussion on practical strategies for a well managed classroom practice. Facilitator: Heather Vaughan-Southard – MAEIA

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Grammar for ELA Teachers: Teaching Irregular Verbs

Teaching grammar in an ELA class can be maddening! Ever feel like you don’t know the answer to why a sentence is incorrect; you just know that it is? This session is for you. We will break down the “rules,” including principal parts of verbs and the perfect tenses. Get strategies and resources you can use with students to correct their usage and unlearn bad habits. Facilitator: Kathy Jo Tully- Constantine Public Schools

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Partnering with Parents in Education

So many frustrated colleagues and parents battle each other on a daily basis, but ultimately we have the same goal. Educating our students-their children. However, communication tends to be the biggest barrier, which often leads to a disconnect between the two. Learn some communication techniques that work to make parents your go-to-partners in education. Facilitator: Jacquelyn Cunningham Ed.S – Lincoln Park Public Schools  

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Facilitating Quality Practice

Quality practice will look, sound, and feel different in in-person, virtual, and hybrid learning environments. Participants will learn about best practices for pedagogy in any environment, including creating instructor presence, setting clear learning objectives, teaching for real world applications, setting clear expectations, engaging students, giving prompt feedback, and more. Facilitators: Kelly Newton and Sarah Van Loo -Ann Arbor Public Schools

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Partnering with Parents in Education

So many frustrated colleagues and parents battle each other on a daily basis, but ultimately we have the same goal…educating our students-their children. However, communication tends to be the biggest barrier, which often leads to a disconnect between the two. Learn some communication techniques that work to make parents your go-to-partners in education. Facilitator: Jacquelyn Cunningham Ed.S – Lincoln Park Public Schools

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Core Teaching Practices

This is a repeating two-part series. Select 101 or 201 – start times are staggered for registration purposes. In an effort to support and maintain high quality educators, the Michigan Department of Education (MOE) has adopted the “Core Practices:’ MEA is proud to partner with the MOE and teaching universities to help bring these trainings to you to help improve teacher practice in the classroom as well as teacher preparation programs in our state in order to drive improved student outcomes. Facilitators: Dr. Anthony Francis (Oakland U) and Dr. Paula Lancaster (CMU)

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Why we use EdTech: Lens for quality implementation

After leveling up your EdTech capacity during the pandemic, let’s consider the key components of what quality blended lesson design looks like. We’ll share how we use guidelines like The Triple E Framework (Dr. Liz Kolb) to figure out how well our favorite tools are helping us engage our students and enhance and extend their learning. Facilitators: Chris Thomas (Ann Arbor EA) and Ellen Brooks (Monroe EA)

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What I Wish I Knew: A discussion panel with and for Early Career Educators

Are you a teacher early in their career or an aspiring educator preparing or getting ready to start your career? There are so many things we wish we knew when we began teaching: working with colleagues, admin or parents…career development and work-life balance… Whether you are just beginning your teaching career, early in your career, or are starting at a new school, learn some tips and helpful insights from peers who understand your experience. Panelists: Jordan Baines (Huron Valley EA), Anthony Barnes (Kalamazoo EA), Colin Campbell (Royal Oak EA), Brittney Maczala (Monroe City EA)

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Schoology Series: Rumor has it that you’re switching to Schoology

Worries about switching to Schoology this fall? Interested in getting a head start wrapping your brain around what your digital classroom might look like? Regardless of your grade level, this session will help you with the Schoology basics & help you to imagine the possibilities. Objectives include course organization, creating/adding content, grading, & using the course calendar & communication tools. You will need a Schoology account prior to the session & there will be workshop time to apply your learning. Facilitator: Kathleen Ader (Novi Education Association)

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Schoology Optimizing your Course Organization for Student Success

Feeling whiplash as we move from remote to in-person, and back to remote?  So do your students!  One of the key skills an educator can acquire is how to optimize their class and workflow insuring student learning by creating consistent structure.  Learn how to do this using the Schoology LMS (Learning Management System). Facilitator: Kathleen Ader, MI

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Grammar for ELA Teachers: Teaching Irregular Verbs

Teaching grammar in an ELA class can be maddening! Ever feel like you don’t know the answer to why a sentence is incorrect; you just know that it is? This session is for you. We will break down the “rules,” including principal parts of verbs and the perfect tenses. Get strategies and resources you can use with students to correct their usage and unlearn bad habits. Facilitator: Kathy Jo Tully- Constantine Public Schools

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Schoology Series: Leveraging for Learning­ Grading with Rubrics

Schoology is a powerful platform, and with many more educators using it, the Schoology Series is here to help you leverage this tool to improve teaching and learning, as well as make your life as a teacher easier. Learn how to use rubrics in assignments and assessments, making grading and your workflow better. Facilitator: Kathleen Ader- Novi Community School District

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Grammar for ELA Teachers: Resources You Can Use Right Now

If you want to give your students the drill and practice they need in order to correct their language usage, and are not sure what all is out there, this class is for you. Get resources {free and paid, print and electronic} that you can put into usage in your classroom tomorrow to support your teaching practice. Facilitator: Kathy Jo Tully – Constantine Public Schools

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Schoology Series: Using Google Drive Assignments to create editable worksheets

Learning Management System (LMS) platforms like Schoology can be used with many other learning applications. Join us in one of our special “Schoology Series” sessions to learn how to leverage Google and Schoology to create a better learning experience for your students, as well as making your workflow more efficient with worksheets and PDFs. Facilitator: Kathleen Ader – Novi Community School District

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Using HyperDocs for Student Learning

A HyperDoc is a simple yet powerful tool for online learning! More than just some links on a page, a HyperDoc allows you to bundle lessons, tasks, and assessments together in one document that can easily be differentiated for particular students or groups. In this course we will explore ideas, tools, and templates to help you create your own HyperDocs that you can start using with your students tomorrow. Facilitators: Karma Nordsrom – Ann Arbor Public Schools and Ellen Brooks Monroe Public Schools

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Facilitating Quality Practice

Quality practice will look, sound, and feel different in in-person, virtual, and hybrid learning environments. Participants will learn about best practices for pedagogy in any environment, including creating instructor presence, setting clear learning objectives, teaching for real world applications, setting clear expectations, engaging students, giving prompt feedback, and more. Facilitators: Kelly Newton and Sarah Van Loo -Ann Arbor Public Schools

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Why we use EdTech: Lens for quality implementation

After leveling up your EdTech capacity during the pandemic, let’s consider the key components of what quality blended lesson design looks like. We’ll share how we use guidelines like The Triple E Framework (Dr. Liz Kolb) to figure out how well our favorite tools are helping us engage our students and enhance and extend their learning. Facilitators: Chris Thomas (Ann Arbor EA) and Ellen Brooks (Monroe EA)

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Can You Hear Us Now? Using Podcasts to Educate and Entertain

Creating and producing your own podcast can be both effective and rewarding. Podcasts provide an easy and unique way to convey information, as well as engage your student audience with supplemental material that the time in a typical class period would not permit. Podcasts can be easy and fun to make, enjoyable for your audience, and can be accessed at any time! Learn more about the benefits to creating your own educational podcast, as well as the logistics behind developing your own podcast! Facilitators: Philip Horender and Philip Schoff (Canajoarie United, NYSUT)

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EdTech Pedagogy in Early Childhood

Our youngest learners are navigating the world online and offline. How can we best accommodate the digital world, keeping our early childhood student’s diverse and unique needs in mind? Using technology to provide learning, but knowing when offline options are best or better; a look at evaluating technology and developing online activities for our students with parent supports Y5-2. Facilitators: Ellen Brooks (Monroe EA) and Kelsey Lafferty (Ann Arbor EA)

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Schoology Series: Rumor has it that you’re switching to Schoology

Worries about switching to Schoology this fall? Interested in getting a head start wrapping your brain around what your digital classroom might look like? Regardless of your grade level, this session will help you with the Schoology basics & help you to imagine the possibilities. Objectives include course organization, creating/adding content, grading, & using the course calendar & communication tools. You will need a Schoology account prior to the session & there will be workshop time to apply your learning. Facilitator: Kathleen Ader (Novi Education Association)

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Building Slides For Accessiblity: Why and How

In this workshop, we will explore best practices for on-line digital-visual accessibility. The majority of our time will be spent learning about practical tools and strategies you can implement immediately and efficiently into your lessons. The tool we will focus on for this presentation is Google Slides, but the principles can be applied widely to any digital content. Facilitators: Sarah Suchanek and Veronica Choe (Ann Arbor, MI)

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Creating A Virtual Classroom App With Google Slides

Do you want to find a way to organize yourself AND your students by finding everything in one place? You can create a virtual classroom with Google Slides & Bitmoji that can also be turned into an app for phones and tablets. You will create hyperlinks, use keyboard shortcuts, and learn other tips & tricks on how to use Google Slides’ features. Take a virtual trip to Hawaii to learn these very useful ed-tech tips. Facilitators: Karina Polo Lung and Troy Okamoto (Honolulu, HI)

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Using Pear Deck to Engage Learners at a Distance

This session will discuss how to use Pear Deck to transform your PPT/Google Slides into interactive presentations. Assess student understanding in real time or at their own pace by inserting questions and practice activities directly in your lesson. Facilitators: Fran Lazette & Karen Chichester

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Math at a Distance: Best Practices

How can I use common Google and Edtech tools to support collaborative math practice and discussion at a distance? We will explore one learning cycle and deeply engage in the design thinking behind the how the EdTech selected supports student engagement, virtual discourse and opportunities for elaboration and student evaluation. Facilitators: Stephan Hogan & Kelsey Lafferty

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Google Classroom (Advanced)

Did you know that there are hundreds of apps that can be integrated into Google Classroom? In this advanced training, come learn how to use some of these integrations to make more complex assignments, provide an interactive learning environment, utilize tools for one-on-one student support, and differentiate work to fit your student’s needs. Facilitators: Heather Hooppaw & Karma Nordstrom

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Providing Accommodations and Scaffolds

How do you support students with IEPs, language learners, and older students with developing literacy skills in a distance learning environment? Learn strategies for providing accommodations, scaffolds, SIOP features, and elements of explicit instruction in an asynchronous setting that support all students. This webinar will begin with a survey and the webinar will be tailored based on participant’s needs. Facilitators: Evelyn Daughterty & Kimmie Conrad

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Leveling Up Google Slides for Seesaw and Google Classrooms

Google Slides is a tool that allows educators to share a variety of information with students in a dynamic fashion. In this course, participants will learn fundamental principles of information design that will empower them to make high-quality Google Slides presentations. Participants will then learn how to integrate Google Slides with Seesaw and Google Classroom for presenting information, giving directions, and creating templates for students to make their own presentations. Facilitators: Bill Van Loo & Sarah Van Loo

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Formative Assessments

This session will discuss how popular EdTech tools can be leveraged to collect formative assessment and inform instruction in an asynchronous environment. Facilitators: Kristal Jaaskelainen and Ellen Brooks

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Differentiating & Team Teaching: Distance Learning Edition

Tools like Seesaw, Flipgrid, and Google Classroom are beloved by educators across the nation, and can be utilized to serve our students with direct, targeted assignments via enrollment in multiple classes or with the use of Co-Teachers. Entire grade levels may benefit from a shared space and special area teachers and support staff can be linked to their students more easily. Get some strategies for possibilities of maintaining multiple groups of students in classes and including co- teachers – or getting yourself included in pre-existing ones! Facilitators: Ellen Brooks & Ann Marie Borders

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Getting Started with Google Classroom

Google Classroom isn’t just a place to post homework; it can help improve your ability to connect with your students, respond to their needs, and challenge them with personalized assignments. Come learn how to set-up your very own Google Classroom and get up and running with remote teaching & learning quickly! Facilitators: Heather Hooppaw & Karma Nordstrom

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Seesaw Intermediate

Take a deeper dive into the many features of Seesaw. Learn how to create your own custom Seesaw activities. Also discover how Seesaw’s built-in features like folders, skills, and blogs can help streamline the assessment and feedback processes, whether at home or in the classroom. This session is perfect for educators who have attended our beginning Seesaw session or have been using Seesaw and want to learn more. Facilitators: Kelly Newton & Sarah Van Loo

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Seesaw Basics

Practice Seesaw skills in this interactive session as your students might! You will learn the basics of how Seesaw works for student and family engagement and discover why teachers, students, and families love Seesaw! You’ll get an opportunity to submit student responses directly to the journal and as an activity. Then you’ll discover how to find, remix, and assign activities from the Seesaw activity library and send student and family communications using Seesaw. Facilitators: Kelly Newton & Sarah Van Loo

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Connection Before Curriculum

Explore research-based programs that educators can use themselves or with their students to set the tone in our schools. The idea will roughly follow Maslow’s idea that we need to all feel safe to be in the proper mindset to teach and learn. Facilitators: Kim Stout, MT/Chrissy Waldhor, OK

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Culturally Responsive Literature in Action

Educators will engage in practical and immediate steps to assess the manner in which literature is providing equitable representation to all students. May be paired with “Curriculum Inclusivity in Action” or stand alone. Facilitators: Elizabeth Lulis, MI/Chrissy Waldhor, OK

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Racing Up! Talking About Race in the Classroom

Talking about racial justice in public education—constructively, honestly, and openly—is difficult. We as educators must continually challenge and dismantle, piece by piece, the structures, policies and implicit biases we all have that prop up white privilege at the expense of students and families of color. To do anything less is to deny the world in which our students live, to concede that some students deserve less. Facilitators: Eriece Colbert, IA/Keri Roberts, WA

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Processing the pandemic experience with K-8 students

Engage in music-making while exploring new resources that may help K-8 students process their experiences during the pandemic. Participants will experience cross-curricular experiences in children’s literature, poetry, and art, and will be invited to connect their experiences to their own teaching contexts. Facilitator: Shannan Hibbard, MI

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Integrating Design Thinking in the K 12 Classroom

Have you ever thought about how to integrate the five phases of design thinking into your curriculum? Join Jane Montero for an informational session on what the five phases are and how to put design thinking to use in your classroom. Facilitator: Dr. Jane Montero, MI

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Teaching to Reduce Math Anxiety

For some students, Math is a subject to be avoided, however it doesn’t have to be that way.  Learn how students experience anxiety in math classrooms and identify how teacher beliefs and classroom practices impact student anxiety, as well as strategies to support anxiety reduction in your students. Facilitators: Colleen Stamm, MI/Desiree Harrison, MI/Carrie Heaney, MI

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Culturally Responsive Instruction with Music & Movement

What does the future hold for our nation’s youth? What do educators envision for students emerging from schools? We should see our students not only as readers, writers, authors, scientists, and mathematicians, but also as artists, athletes, and musicians! In this session, participants will explore developmentally appropriate practices across multiple curricular areas, all through a culturally responsive lens. Facilitators: Amy Sierzega, MI/Lori Greenfield, KS

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College Bound: Expert Application Advice for Educators

No matter your title, your students see you as experts and mentors for their college search journey. Universities like Michigan State University have changed many processes and requirements for students hoping to go to college. Help your students by learning: Who should choose test optional? How important  are letters of rec? What’s the best advice you should give to a student thinking about college? One size doesn’t fit all – learn how residential colleges like MSU’s Residential College helps students connect to a meaningful learning community. Facilitator: Rugelio Ramereiz,MSU Residential College in the Arts and Humanities

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Having Difficult Conversations

Now more than ever, it is difficult for educators to have concerned conversations with administrators, parents, and students, especially when you don’t have the authority of an administrative position. Learn some techniques you can use to be more empowered to manage the complex interactions educators navigate in our profession. Facilitator: Dr. Keith Levick

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Teach4 Endurance: The Bike Session

Like the stretch between Winter break and Spring break, the bike section of an Ironman event is the long and grueling.  If something goes wrong during the race or your school year, it will happen here.  So, it pays to look down the road a bit.  Get ready for this next phase by learning about how to assess and respond to those bumps in the road. Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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Teach4 Endurance: The Run Session

The run is the last leg of the race, and like the school year, as we approach the end of the year, we are exhausted.  However, this is also where you want to be able to finish strong.  Learn techniques to find those last reserves and kick to the finish! Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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Teach4 Endurance The Cool Down Session

It’s June and you made it to the finish line!  However, there’s always the next race.  But before lacing up your shoes for September, it’s important to not only rest, but also to reflect.  Learn how to use your summer to get rejuvenated and ready to not only run the race again, but to improve your performance. Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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Processing the pandemic experience with K-8 students

Engage in music-making while exploring new resources that may help K-8 students process their experiences during the pandemic. Participants will experience cross-curricular experiences in children’s literature, poetry, and art, and will be invited to connect their experiences to their own teaching contexts. Facilitator: Shannan Hibbard, MI

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Self-Care: How to Address and Survive the Daily Life Stressors

Self-care is often the first thing that gets ignored when life becomes stressful. Taking care of yourself will help you to better care for those you teach. This webinar will help you define and better understand the importance of self-care and become a self-care advocate for yourself and others. Facilitators: Judith B. O’Loughlin, CA/Brenda Custudio, OH

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Embodiment: A classroom management technique for modern educators (Part 2)

The second installment of this very popular series on “Embodiment:’ With a mini recap of Part 1,a deeper dive into how regulation of the nervous system impacts student behaviors, how  to help your students become more aware of their nervous state, and a discussion on practical strategies for a well managed classroom practice. Facilitator: Heather Vaughan-Southard – MAEIA

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Teach4 Endurance: The Swim Session

We’ve prepared for the “race” {school year} with the Warm Up session. You have developed your purpose, focused on clarity of mind and committed to releasing what doesn’t add value to your life. The “race” {school year} is now on and in full force. During the Swim session, we’ll focus on letting go of control, asking for help when needed and allowing ourselves to complete an honest self-reflection … it’s time to get in the water! Facilitator: Brian Dalton – Rochester Community School District

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Teach4Endurance: The Warm Up Session

Teach4Endurance: The Warm Up Session is exactly what it sounds like. It is a warm up to get yourself ready for an upcoming challenge (i.e. academic school year). This session focuses on ‘purpose’ and ‘clarity’. Unfortunately, too many teachers are thrown into the water without the proper support or a proper game plan. For many this can spell disaster. Use this summer to start getting your plan together with this innovative and informative session – As noted by former NFL coach, Don Clemons, “Brian does a great job in developing a playbook for educators of all age and positions.” Facilitator: Brian Dalton (Rochester Education Association)

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Wellness & Stress Management

Over the years, the education profession has become increasingly stressful. Too much stress can negatively impact health, well-being, work attitudes and turnover. Learn the basic biology of negative stress and its negative effects on health. Participants will receive tips and strategies that can be used to increase their resiliency and improve health and help you pursue an higher level of wellness. Facilitators: Rhonda Jones, MS, BSN, RN, CHES (MESSA)

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Partnering with Parents in Education

So many frustrated colleagues and parents battle each other on a daily basis, but ultimately we have the same goal. Educating our students-their children. However, communication tends to be the biggest barrier, which often leads to a disconnect between the two. Learn some communication techniques that work to make parents your go-to-partners in education. Facilitator: Jacquelyn Cunningham Ed.S – Lincoln Park Public Schools  

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College Bound: Expert Application Advice for Educators

No matter your title, your students see you as experts and mentors for their college search journey. Universities like Michigan State University have changed many processes and requirements for students hoping to go to college. Help your students by learning: Who should choose test optional? How important  are letters of rec? What’s the best advice you should give to a student thinking about college? One size doesn’t fit all – learn how residential colleges like MSU’s Residential College helps students connect to a meaningful learning community. Facilitator: Rugelio Ramereiz,MSU Residential College in the Arts and Humanities

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Partnering with Parents in Education

So many frustrated colleagues and parents battle each other on a daily basis, but ultimately we have the same goal…educating our students-their children. However, communication tends to be the biggest barrier, which often leads to a disconnect between the two. Learn some communication techniques that work to make parents your go-to-partners in education. Facilitator: Jacquelyn Cunningham Ed.S – Lincoln Park Public Schools

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Having Difficult Conversations

Now more than ever, it is difficult for educators to have concerned conversations with administrators, parents, and students, especially when you don’t have the authority of an administrative position. Learn some techniques you can use to be more empowered to manage the complex interactions educators navigate in our profession. Facilitator: Dr. Keith Levick

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Teach4 Endurance: The Bike Session

Like the stretch between Winter break and Spring break, the bike section of an Ironman event is the long and grueling.  If something goes wrong during the race or your school year, it will happen here.  So, it pays to look down the road a bit.  Get ready for this next phase by learning about how to assess and respond to those bumps in the road. Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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Teach4 Endurance: The Run Session

The run is the last leg of the race, and like the school year, as we approach the end of the year, we are exhausted.  However, this is also where you want to be able to finish strong.  Learn techniques to find those last reserves and kick to the finish! Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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Teach4 Endurance The Cool Down Session

It’s June and you made it to the finish line!  However, there’s always the next race.  But before lacing up your shoes for September, it’s important to not only rest, but also to reflect.  Learn how to use your summer to get rejuvenated and ready to not only run the race again, but to improve your performance. Facilitator: Brian Dalton, MI

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How to Fund and Grow Your Arts Program

The Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC) is the statewide agency tasked with supporting arts and culture programming across the entire state. And they believe that arts education is a critical part of the education of our youth in opening new worlds to them, encouraging creativity, and presenting opportunities for careers. Join MACC Arts Education Program Manager Chad Swan-Badgero as he outlines grant funding opportunities for teachers and schools to support arts related projects in the classroom, and walks you through submitting a successful application to MACC. This is a great way for you to access funding to support your classroom! Facilitator: Chad Swan-Badgero, MI

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Self-Care: How to Address and Survive the Daily Life Stressors

Self-care is often the first thing that gets ignored when life becomes stressful. Taking care of yourself will help you to better care for those you teach. This webinar will help you define and better understand the importance of self-care and become a self-care advocate for yourself and others. Facilitators: Judith B. O’Loughlin, CA/Brenda Custudio, OH

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Grant Writing for Arts Educators

Grant writing is an excellent way to make a significant change to your teaching environment, but it can sometimes feel overwhelming to pursue.  Together we will explore some basic tips that will help make developing this skill feel much easier. Facilitator: Ashleigh Lore, MI

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Returning To The Classroom: Managing the Anxiety and Change

The coronavirus has caused significant disruption. For teachers, it has caused substantial changes in their personal and professional life. This Webinar focuses on the challenges teachers face upon returning to school, as well as the safety of staff and students. Learn how you can better understand the change process and practice a strategy to best deal with stress and anxiety. Facilitator: Dr. Keith Levick- Goren and Associates

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What I Wish I Knew: A discussion panel with and for Early Career Educators

Are you a teacher early in their career or an aspiring educator preparing or getting ready to start your career? There are so many things we wish we knew when we began teaching: working with colleagues, admin or parents…career development and work-life balance… Whether you are just beginning your teaching career, early in your career, or are starting at a new school, learn some tips and helpful insights from peers who understand your experience. Panelists: Jordan Baines (Huron Valley EA), Anthony Barnes (Kalamazoo EA), Colin Campbell (Royal Oak EA), Brittney Maczala (Monroe City EA)

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Upcoming Events –

Core Safety Practices- MEA Professional Learning Webinar Series – Winter 2024

Hundreds of MEA members participated in the fall series of professional learning opportunities relating to student violence. The series continues with more offerings focusing on de-escalation, post-incident best practices, communication infrastructure, leveraging policies and law, and managing stress.